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Sports Medicine

St. Francis de Sales Sports Medicine


To provide the highest level  athletic health care and return student-athletes to pre-injury/illness activity level as quickly and safely as possible, while advocating for the overall health of the student-athlete. 


The Sports Medicine Department at St. Francis de Sales School is dedicated to the comprehensive health care needs and highest quality injury assessment and management for our student-athletes. 


St. Francis de Sales School Sports Medicine Department is committed to providing the highest quality sports medicine services to the student-athletes by providing injury prevention, care, rehabilitation services, and student-athlete education. The staff will encourage a philosophy of education that places a high value on health and wellness. Student-athletes will be enabled to return to their sport as soon as it is medically safe for the individual to do so. The sports medicine staff will work to reduce the risk of athletic injury for all student-athletes of St. Francis de Sales School. 

Sports Medicine Resources

Athletic Training Staff

Ms. Alyssa Lassey, AT, ATC

Ms. Alyssa Lassey, AT, ATC

Athletic Trainer
Mr. Sean Tilley, M.Ed., AT, ATC

Mr. Sean Tilley, M.Ed., AT, ATC

Athletic Trainer