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Counseling Department

Academic Support


St. Francis de Sales School is dedicated to being the best school for each individual student.  From the teachings of St. Francis de Sales, we encourage our students to "be who you are and be that well."  This motto, imprinted on the hearts of our students and faculty, has formed our educational philosophy.  Students are able to explore areas of interest and go deeper into their passions.  Fields of study include but are not limited to engineering, robotics, computer science, art, business, health professions, and law.  

St. Francis de Sales School and its faculty understands the importance of meeting students where they are.  We understand the range of learning and provide an environment to meet the needs of  students today.  We are continually reviewing curriculum to ensure all students are engaged and successful in preparing themselves for life after high school.  Students who are ready, are able to explore college options through College Credit Plus or our extensive AP offerings.  For students who require  support services, we are able to provide intervention services.  Our Student Achievement Center is available for all students for academic support and tutoring.  

Academic Pillar

As a college preparatory school for young men grades 7-12, academics is a main pillar of St. Francis de Sales School and a priority of the Foundation. We strive to provide each young man with a rigorous, personalized academic experience based on interests, desires, individual skills, and learning styles.


There is no price tag in the world for what this school has provided for us. Scotty Buff '23

Dean of Academics

Ms. Deb Rathbun

Ms. Deb Rathbun

Academic Dean